Swiscoin Public key Cryptography

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Public key cryptography is sometimes also referred to as asymmetric cryptography. Public key cryptography is a relatively new field, invented in 1975 [DIFF76b] (at least that’s the first published record—it is rumored that NSA or similar organizations may have discovered this technology earlier). Unlike secret key cryptography, keys are not shared. Instead, each individual has two keys: a private key that need not be revealed to anyone, and a public key that is preferably known to the entire world. Note that we call the private key a private key and not a secret key. This convention is an attempt to make it clear in any context whether public key cryptography or secret key cryptography is being used. There are people in this world whose sole purpose in life is to try to confuse people.

They will use the term secret key for the private key in public key cryptography, or use the term private key for the secret key in secret key technology. One of the most important contributions we can make to the field is to convince people to feel strongly about using the terminology correctly—the term secret key refers only to the single secret number used in secret key cryptography. The term private key MUST be used when referring to the key in public key cryptography that must not be made public. (Yes, when we speak we sometimes accidentally say the wrong thing, but at least we feel guilty about it.) There is something unfortunate about the terminology public and private. It is that both words begin with p. We will sometimes want a single letter to refer to one of the keys. The letter p won’t do. We will use the letter e to refer to the public key, since the public key is used when encrypting a message. We’ll use the letter d to refer to the private key, because the private key is used to decrypt a message. Encryption and decryption are two mathematical functions that are inverses of each other.

checksum or the MIC (message integrity code) described in §2.4.5 Integrity Check. However, unlike a checksum, which can be generated by anyone, a digital signature can only be generated by someone knowing the private key. A public key signature differs from a secret key MIC because verification of a MIC requires knowledge of the same secret as was used to create it. Therefore any one who can verify a MIC can also generate one, and so be able to substitute a different message and corresponding MIC. In contrast, verification of the signature only requires knowledge of the public key. So Alice can sign a message by generating a signature only she can generate, and other people can verify that it is Alice’s signature, but cannot forge her signature. This is called a signature because it shares with handwritten signatures the property that it is possible to be able to recognize a signature as authentic without being able to forge it.

1. Security Uses of Public Key Cryptography

Public key cryptography can do anything secret key cryptography can do, but the known public key cryptographic algorithms are orders of magnitude slower than the best known secret key cryptographic algorithms and so are usually only used for things secret key cryptography can’t do. Public key cryptography is very useful because network security based on public key technology tends to be more secure and more easily configurable. Often it is mixed with secret key technology. For example, public key cryptography might be used in the beginning of communication for authentication and to establish a temporary shared secret key, then the secret key is used to encrypt the remainder of the conversation using secret key technology. For instance, suppose Alice wants to talk to Bob. She uses his public key to encrypt a secret key, then uses that secret key to encrypt whatever else she wants to send him. Only Bob can decrypt the secret key. He can then communicate using that secret key with whoever sent that message. Notice that given this protocol, Bob does not know that it was Alice who sent the message. This could be fixed by having Alice digitally sign the encrypted secret key using her private key. Now we’ll describe the types of things one might do with public key cryptography.

2. Transmitting Over an Insecure

Channel Suppose Alice’s 〈public key, private key〉 pair is 〈eA, dA〉. Suppose Bob’s key pair is 〈eB, dB〉. Assume Alice knows Bob’s public key, and Bob knows Alice’s public key. Actually, accurately learning other people’s public keys is one of the biggest challenges in using public key cryptography and will be discussed in detail in §7.7.2 Certification Authorities (CAs). But for now, don’t worry about it.

3. Secure Storage on Insecure Media

This is really the same as what one would do with secret key cryptography. You’d encrypt the data with your public key. Then nobody can decrypt it except you, since decryption will require the use of the private key. It has the advantage over encryption with secret key technology that you don’t have to risk giving your private key to the machine that is going to encrypt the data for you. As with secret key technology, if you lose your private key, the data is irretrievably lost. If you are worried about that, you can encrypt an additional copy of the data under the public key of someone you trust, like your lawyer.

4. Authentication

Authentication is an area in which public key technology potentially gives a real benefit. With secret key cryptography, if Alice and Bob want to communicate, they have to share a secret. If Bob wants to be able to prove his identity to lots of entities, then with secret key technology he will need to remember lots of secret keys, one for each entity to which he would like to prove his identity. Possibly he could use the same shared secret with Alice as with Carol, but that has the disadvantage that then Carol and Alice could impersonate Bob to each other. Public key technology is much more convenient. Bob only needs to remember a single secret, his own private key. It is true that if Bob wants to be able to verify the identity of thousands of entities, then he will need to know thousands of public keys, but in general the entities verifying identities are computers which don’t mind remembering thousands of things, whereas the entities proving their identities are often humans, which do mind remembering things. Here’s an example of how Alice can use public key cryptography for verifying Bob’s identity assuming Alice knows Bob’s public key. Alice chooses a random number r, encrypts it using Bob’s public key eB, and sends the result to Bob. Bob proves he knows dB by decrypting the message and sending r back to Alice.

Another advantage of public key authentication is that Alice does not need to keep any secret information. For instance, Alice might be a computer system in which backup tapes are unencrypted and easily stolen. With secret key based authentication, if Carol stole a backup tape and read the key that Alice shares with Bob, she could then trick Bob into thinking she was Alice. In contrast, with public key based authentication, the only information on Alice’s backup tapes is public key information, and that cannot be used to impersonate Bob.

In large-scale systems, like computer networks with thousands of users and services, authentication is usually done with trusted intermediaries. As we’ll see in §7.7 Trusted Intermediaries, public key based authentication using intermediaries has several important advantages over secret key based authentication.

5. Digital Signatures

Forged in USA engraved on a screwdriver claiming to be of brand Craftsman It is often useful to prove that a message was generated by a particular individual, especially if the individual is not necessarily around to be asked about authorship of the message. This is easy with public key technology. Bob’s signature for a message m can only be generated by someone with knowledge of Bob’s private key. And the signature depends on the contents of m. If m is modified in any way, the signature no longer matches. So digital signatures provide two important functions. They prove who generated the information, and they prove that the information has not been modified in any way by anyone since the message and matching signature were generated. An important example of a use of a signature is in electronic mail to verify that a mail message really did come from the claimed source. Digital signatures offer an important advantage over secret key based cryptographic checksums—non-repudiation. Suppose Bob sells widgets and Alice routinely buys them. Alice and Bob might agree that rather than placing orders through the mail with signed purchase orders, Alice will send electronic mail messages to order widgets. To protect against someone forging orders and causing Bob to manufacture more widgets than Alice actually needs, Alice will include a message integrity code on her messages. This could be either a secret key based MIC or a public key based signature. But suppose sometime after Alice places a big order, she changes her mind (the bottom fell out of the widget market). Since there’s a big penalty for canceling an order, she doesn’t fess up that she’s canceling, but instead denies that she ever placed the order. Bob sues. Bob knows Alice really placed the order because it was cryptographically signed. But if it was signed with a secret key algorithm, he can’t prove it to anyone! Since he knows the same secret key that Alice used to sign the order, he could have forged the signature on the message himself and he can’t prove to the judge that he didn’t! If it was a public key signature on the other hand, he can show the signed message to the judge and the judge can verify that it was signed with Alice’s key. Alice can still claim of course that someone must have stolen and misused her key (it might even be true!), but the contract between Alice and Bob could reasonably hold her responsible for damages caused by her inadequately protecting her key. Unlike secret key cryptography, where the keys are shared, you can always tell who’s responsible for a signature generated with a private key.

6. Hash Algorithms

Hash algorithms are also known as message digests or one-way transformations. A cryptographic hash function is a mathematical transformation that takes a message of arbitrary length (transformed into a string of bits) and computes from it a fixed-length (short) number. We’ll call the hash of a message m, h(m). It has the following properties: • For any message m, it is relatively easy to compute h(m). This just means that in order to be practical it can’t take a lot of processing time to compute the hash. • Given h(m), there is no way to find an m that hashes to h(m) in a way that is substantially easier than going through all possible values of m and computing h(m) for each one. • Even though it’s obvious that many different values of m will be transformed to the same value h(m) (because there are many more possible values of m), it is computationally infeasible to find two values that hash to the same thing. An example of the sort of function that might work is taking the message m, treating it as a number, adding some large constant, squaring it, and taking the middle n digits as the hash. You can see that while this would not be difficult to compute, it’s not obvious how you could find a message that would produce a particular hash, or how one might find two messages with the same hash. It turns out this is not a particularly good message digest function—we’ll give examples of secure message digest functions in Chapter 4 Hashes and Message Digests. But the basic idea of a message digest function is that the input is mangled so badly the process cannot be reversed.

7. Password Hashing

When a user types a password, the system has to be able to determine whether the user got it right. If the system stores the passwords unencrypted, then anyone with access to the system storage or backup tapes can steal the passwords. Luckily, it is not necessary for the system to know a password in order to verify its correctness. (A proper password is like pornography. You can’t tell what it is, but you know it when you see it.) Instead of storing the password, the system can store a hash of the password. When a password is supplied, it computes the password’s hash and compares it with the stored value. If they match, the password is deemed correct. If the hashed password file is obtained by an attacker, it is not immediately useful because the passwords can’t be derived from the hashes. Historically, some systems made the password file publicly readable, an expression of confidence in the security of the hash. Even if there are no cryptographic flaws in the hash, it is possible to guess passwords and hash them to see if they match. If a user is careless and chooses a password that is guessable (say, a word that would appear in a 50000-word dictionary or book of common names), an exhaustive search would “crack” the password even if the encryption were sound. For this reason, many systems hide the hashed password list (and those that don’t should).

8. Message Integrity

Cryptographic hash functions can be used to generate a MIC to protect the integrity of messages transmitted over insecure media in much the same way as secret key cryptography. If we merely sent the message and used the hash of the message as a MIC, this would not be secure, since the hash function is well-known. The bad guy can modify the message and compute a new hash for the new message, and transmit that. However, if Alice and Bob have agreed on a password, Alice can use a hash to generate a MIC for a message to Bob by taking the message, concatenating the password, and computing the hash of message password. Alice then sends the hash and the message (without the password) to Bob. Bob concatenates the password to the received message and computes the hash of the result. If that matches the received hash, Bob can have confidence the message was sent by someone knowing the password. [Note: there are some cryptographic subtleties to making this actually secure; see §4.2.2 Computing a MIC with a Hash].

9. Message Fingerprint

If you want to know whether some large data structure (e.g. a program) has been modified from one day to the next, you could keep a copy of the data on some tamper-proof backing store and periodically hash is small could be a piece of paper in a filing cabinet). If the message digest hasn’t changed, you can be confident none of the data has. A note to would-be users—if it hasn’t already occurred to you, it has occurred to the bad guys—the program that computes the hash must also be independently protected for this to be secure. Otherwise the bad guys can change the file but also change the hashing program to report the checksum as though the file were unchanged! Compare it to the active version. With a hash function, you can save storage: you simply save the message digest of the data on the tamper-proof backing store (which because the hash is small could be a piece of paper in a filing cabinet). If the message digest hasn’t changed, you can be confident none of the data has. A note to would-be users—if it hasn’t already occurred to you, it has occurred to the bad guys—the program that computes the hash must also be independently protected for this to be secure. Otherwise the bad guys can change the file but also change the hashing program to report the checksum as though the file were unchanged!

10. Downline Load Security

It is common practice to have special-purpose devices connected to a network, like routers or printers that do not have the nonvolatile memory to store the programs they normally run. Instead, they keep a bootstrap program smart enough to get a program from the network and run it. This scheme is called downline load. Suppose you want to downline load a program and make sure it hasn’t been corrupted (whether intentionally or not). If you know the proper hash of the program, you can compute the hash of the loaded program and make sure it has the proper value before running the program.

11. Digital Signature Efficiency

The best-known public key algorithms are sufficiently processor-intensive that it is desirable to compute a message digest of the message and sign that, rather than to sign the message directly. The message digest algorithms are much less processor-intensive, and the message digest is much shorter than the message.

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